Future Tech

Unlocking the Potential of Future Tech

The 5 Neutral Passports You Need to Survive World War III

The possibility of World War III is a concerning topic for many people around the world. While hoping for peace, ...
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The Rise of Smartphone Addiction and the Quest for Healthier Tech

The emergence of smartphone addiction has become one of the predominant tech issues of our time. As laid out in ...
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The Future of Air Travel: A World Without Passports and Boarding Passes

The days of rummaging through your bag to find your passport and printed boarding pass at the airport may soon ...
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AI’s Impact on Jobs: Diverging Views from Two Tech Titans

The rise of AI tools like ChatGPT has sparked a heated debate about how artificial intelligence will transform the job ...
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End of Passports: Singapore’s Changi Airport Going to Lead Passport-Free Future

Singapore’s Changi Airport recently announced plans to become the world’s first passport-free travel hub by 2024. This move signals a ...
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Can AI Ever Truly Understand Human Emotions? the Possibilities and Limitations

Emotions constitute a profoundly human experience. They influence our behaviors, relationships, and well-being in countless subtle ways. As artificial intelligence ...
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The Ethical Implications of AI in Healthcare: Where Do We Draw the Lines?

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare holds tremendous promise to improve patient outcomes, expand access, and reduce costs. ...
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The Promise and Peril of Wearable AI

The announcement that Humane’s upcoming AI Pin will utilize GPT-4 and have a “Trust Light” that indicates when it is ...
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The Rise of AI Parenting: How Stressed Out Parents Are Turning to ChatGPT

Parenting in the 21st century is not for the faint of heart. As life moves at an ever-quickening pace, today’s ...
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Unlocking the Secrets of Wormholes and Time Travel

Wormholes allow for the possibility of time travel by bridging the gap in space-time. These hypothetical tunnels through space-time have ...
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